
Sweet Moments Group logo

We have been working with Logan, Uli and the team for nearly 5 years. In this time, they have enabled us to discover our purpose, BHAG, and core values and then enabled us to execute on our goals through their execution framework and countless other tools they make available. They have helped us to challenge ourselves, look much further ahead and achieve things we never thought we could.

Since working with Advisory.Works, we have grown our team from a small family business of 8 people to a group of businesses and brands employing over 40 people, a strong succession plan completed including my parents successfully retiring and most importantly, a team fully aligned to our purpose and values. Our revenue has nearly tripled, profit has increased even more, but more importantly, we’re on a journey that excites us. I know for the fact that we wouldn’t be in the same position now if we hadn’t made the initially brave decision to start working with Advisory.Works.

Mike "Sprinkles" Briant, Managing Director
Sweet Moments Group

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